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About Me.

Scott Copeland


I have been photographing nature since I learned to use a camera 27+ years ago - a Nikon FE2 with a 50mm f1.4 lens. I live in Lander, Wyoming with my two girls, Mia and Abby. When possible, I am out photographing. I still use Nikon camera equipment, including a D810, my latest toy.


My Philosophy

  • Any of the images here are available for free use to non-profit pro-environment organizations.

  • I don't photograph captive animals.

  • I don't do anything to a digital image to change the real appearance, though the recent total eclipse in Lander inspired me to dabble in digital art.

  • My goal is to see nature and capture it in its truest form. In other words, what you see is real and as close to what I saw as I could get.

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